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Crazy Ricky Rat Tale!

Once apon atime; a very long time ago there was a small coloney of villagers that traveled across the sea on a massive wooden raft that formed a sqaure. The villagers were in search for land, and after weeks of searching they finaly found a small medium sized island. The villagers claimed the island after searching for other forms of semi inteligent life. They named the island BigMen. The villagers setalled down and chopped down trees with Kung Fu, they then started to build houses, mine, collect bricks, search for treasure and much more. 3 years later people started jorneying to this island. The villagers would extended the island with wooden docks. All was goood until a humanoid rat called Ricky started eating the docks. "Hey, thats mean!" Said one of the Villagers. "Thy wood is my meal." Exclaimed Ricky Rat in his confusion. The Villagers were to scared to get rabies so they packed up and left. Now, you may think this was for rickys sake, but no! The villagers took the magority of the good wood, and injected cyonide in the roots of all of the fresh trees. This sprung Ricky Rat in to a crazy seasure that ended in him rolling into the ocean. Ricky washed up on the sore of another villagers island.p>